Stagecoach are reducing the number of stops that the X60 and X58 will stop at, in order to try and speed up the services and make them more reliable…
This is what they say in their announcement:
X60 and X58 will have a reduced number of stops between St Andrews bus station and Kirkcaldy bus station to improve reliability and speed up journeys.
Daytime journeys on X60 won't serve Dalgety Bay, Pentland Rise, but peak journeys, numbered X60A, will maintain the current route.
Throughout the day, service X60 will serve Dalgety Bay Rail Station.
The X58 route through Dalgety Bay will continue as at present.
The full announcement is at:
Here are the new stopping points on the X60:
And on the X58:
Perhaps the main thing to note in both cases is the reduction in stops served within St Andrews - it’s no longer possible to get on or off at the stop in City Road just outside the Bus Station - Stagecoach are prioritising long distance passengers who want to change buses in the bus station…
On the X60 the reduction to a single stop served in Pittenweem, St Monans, Elie and parts of Anstruther may mean that you have to think about walking further or catching a 95 bus to make a connection?
Stagecoach have recognised that in areas where the X60 is the only bus serving the route that it should continue to provide a “Hail & Ride” service - between Shell Bay Road End and Dumbarnie Links golf course, for example.
BEWARE that despite the stop outside the Scottish Fisheries Museum in Anstruther having a sign on it saying “Anstruther Harbour” that the stop that Stagecoach call “Anstruther Harbour” is at the other end of the shoreline near the Harbourmaster’s office… This may cause problems for people wanting to catch boats to and from the Isle of May - so we hope that Stagecoach drivers are understanding of tourists’ issues with knowing which stop is meant and will stop at both Anstruther Harbour stops?
Apart from this, the stops that we recommend for changing buses - Toll Road in Cellardyke on the X60 - or near Aldi in St Andrews at the Animal Hospital for a quick change from the 95 to X58 for speeding your journey to Edinburgh still work.
On the X59:
There is a subtle change to our recommended point for changing from the 95 to the X59 if you happen to catch the New Madras College service from Crail (07:46 from Pinkerton Road) then you are recommended to stay on to the “St Andrews Old Course Hotel” stop to change to the X59 - I tend to think of this stop as being the “University North Haugh” - but then I’m not a golfer…
95 Crail Bus